I wanted to share with you the results of our bathroom paint make-over. Several readers astutely suggested brown, and it worked marvelously. I used a deep brown with purple undertones to bring everything together.

We went from a
hideous space with a mish-mash of crazy peaches and green to a room where the emphasis is drawn away from the floor, balanced with rich dark chocolate pudding-colored walls with milk chocolate ceilings. Yum.

In this case, there was no reason to draw attention to the ceiling by leaving it white, and so by creating a tint of the wall color, added cohesion to the fifth wall, joining it with the rest of the space. To have painted it the same color as the walls might have felt a bit too oppressive with such a deep tone.

SO MUCH better, don't you think? All your fresh perspectives and fantastic ideas really helped me see beyond what was right in front of me, and develop a solution that brought everything together. You are fantastic colorists!