Got your paint chips ready, and designer hat on?
This small, private, bilingual elementary school was ready for a make-over. Nestled in a quiet residential neighborhood, it was about to get some major exposure due to the much-anticipated arrival of a large specialty supermarket that was being built across the street. The elementary school campus was comprised of several disparate buildings cobbled together:
Things we know:
The bilingual school is over 30 years old, has a reputation of academic excellence, and is located in the Calfornia bay area, just outside San Francisco.
Things we learned about their desired message
(after the client filled out an extensive branding questionnaire)
nurturing, warm, secure
sense of community
self-confidence in children
affluent families from 47 different nationalities
So, given that information and the buildings themselves, how would you make-over the school? What colors would you chose? Where would you put them? How would you back-up your design decision?
Have some fun with this! If you are tech savvy and want to link to a mock-up or email me pictures at [rachel.perls (at) gmail (dot) com] , I will post them, too.