Santa Fe, the City Different

I'm finally getting around to catching up on my blog posts from our recent trip to New Mexico. Thanks for your patience! And now, a little from the "City Different":

The colors of New Mexico are fantastic. With the dusty pink earth and sage brush everywhere, the accent color of choice is blue, blue, blue. Look, they even accentuated the overpasses in turquoise: nice touch, don't you think?

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In historic downtown Santa Fe, there is a strict ordinance about the style and color of buildings.
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Desert earth tones are the only acceptable colors permitted for the Pueblo Revival and Territorial style buildings- it's quite a sight for those who have never seen Santa Fe.
This inlaid stone design gives you a pretty good idea of the palette. Beautiful soft adobe tones.
I thought this was funny- one writer said Santa Fe buildings looked like boxes that had been buttered and rolled in brown sugar.
Here's another view across the Plaza.
The ordinance does go to some rather ridiculous extremes. Even the ATM machine is appropriately dressed for downtown.

There's been a lot of debate over the restricted architectural styles allowed in the historic district. Some complain that it's too strict, and impedes development, while others argue it protects a very unique place, giving it the character that makes it so memorable.

What do you think? Thumbs up, or down?