Striped with inspiration

Reader Jen just wrote me about a fantastic blog called Kris's Color StripesIt's a very simple concept- Kris takes lovely photos and boils them down to their essential colors. This is a fantastic way to get inspiration for a design task- be it a graphic design piece, interior space, or other project. By reducing an image down to those colors which together make the photo, you have an instant color palette. Nature has the Best examples!
I just love this one.

When you look around you, do you notice color palettes? It could be a display of food at the supermarket while you're grocery shopping, or a pile of leaves in the park as you're walking your dog.
Here are two palettes I whipped up from photos I took at this amazing covered market on Granville Island in Vancouver. My husband thought I was crazy for wanting snapshots of marinated meats, but I just through the display was lovely, and would have purchased everything in sight, had I figured out a way to ship everything home. But I digress.

I'd like to encourage you to look around you, and notice all the color harmonies that surround you. Now take the next step, and think about how you could apply those palettes to your own creation, be it a quilt, scrapbook page, outfit, table set for a party, or whatever!

Does anyone keep color palettes that inspire you, and how do you collect them? Along those same lines, has anyone taken inspiration from colors in everyday life to use in a project? We'd love to hear what you did, and how it turned out!