Color experts chat

Recently, my color colleague Lori Sawaya (aka funcolors on design discussion forums) started a new blog called Color Budz featuring podcasts with other color experts.

Kelly Berg and I join Lori to discuss a range of topics about color and design. She'll also be inviting other color designers to join us now and then.
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Podcasting is a totally new medium for me, as I'd only done one interview before. Though we all know one another and have chatted at length individually, getting the pace and transitions right in a free-form conversation can be tricky. So our first talk is a whopping 45 minutes. Chock full of fun tid bits and banter between colleagues, we had a blast, but are learning to do smaller, bite-sized chats.

Our second podcast, we invited Annie Elliott to join us. There's just so much to discuss, and everyone has something unique to contribute. These are fun!

First podcast: Listen here
Second podcast: Listen here