The sound of color

The Gap is dabbling in branding via some creative mediums. Their latest endeavor? Sound of Color, a website which explores how musicians and directors would interpret a color into music and a video. While I applaud the concept and creative attempt at branching out, I'm not so sure the interpretations work all too successfully. You'll have to listen to a few of the tracks and tell me what you think.
Still from Blue video
The idea of associating a color with one or more of our five senses is called synesthasia. Imagine the color pink-it evokes an association with a smell, taste, sound, even texture. It's sweet smelling/tasting, has a soft delicate sound, and a fine texture. Don't believe me? Just head to your supermarket and check out the packaging for products. Think about how they are used, who uses them, and the message marketers are trying to sell you. Beauty products- it's no coincidence there are so many bottles and tubes in pink and purple. After all, women want to smell sweet and feminine after using them, right?

Anyways, share with us what you thought of the music videos. Did you think they reflected the color they tried to capture?